- Q:What does each branch do ? 三大部门各司何职?
- What does each branch do? 各部门主要工作是甚么?
- What does the judicial branch do? 司法机关做甚么?
- What does the Judical Branch do? 司法部门的职责是什么?
- Q What does the Halle triumph mean for you in the context of Wimbledon? 问:在温网即将开始的时候,哈雷的冠军对你来说意味着什么?
- What does each description of the body depict? e.g. body, hair etc. 每一个对耶稣身体的描述象征什么?例如:身子;头发等.
- What are rhe colors g of the United States Flag and what does each i epresent? 问:美国国旗是甚麽颜色?它们代表甚麽意义?
- What are the colors f the United States clag and what does each represent? 问:美国国旗是甚麽颜色?它们代表甚麽意义?
- What are the colors of the United States lag zand Paraded what does each represent? 问:美国国旗是甚麽颜色?它们代表甚麽意义?
- B. What did each of these people do to hurt, offend, or victimize me? 他们的什么行为使我受到伤害、被冒犯或成为受害者?
- x What does the Judical Branch do? 司法部门的职责是什么?
- What does each visual aid show? 每个视觉帮助显示什么内容?
- what does nhe Exeutive Branch do? 行政机关做什么?
- Q What should I do if I move home address during the internship? 如果在我实习工作期间,住宿地址有变更该如何处理?
- How much does each account cost? 每个帐户要花多少钱?
- Q What is the role of the designated person (DP)? 指定人员的任务是什么?
- Q: What does the woman think he should do? 七、计划与行为题型
- Send five copies to each branch office. 给每个分行送5份。
- Q: What do most people do on the first date? 问:大多数人在第一次约会时都会做些什么?
- Q: What does a girl have to have to be sexy? 一个性感的女孩需要什么特质?